Phoenix Half Marathon!

You know I really get jazzed up about professional accomplishments, but when you set a personal goal and accomplish it, the feeling is even better!

Back in August you might remember me starting my 5K training. Yes, I had to officially train for a 5K because I could hardly run a mile! It took me 12 minutes to run one, and I.was.winded. I’d run here or there 2 or 3 miles a week. If you are not a runner, and more artsy-fartsy like myself, you should definitely check out the Color Run. Sooooo fun! Then, Ryan suggested I keep up the training and run the Alton 10 Mile River Run in November. So I really started training, for real. Ryan made me the best spreadsheet schedule and I started running about 5x a week. Then after the race, since I put all that training in, I decided I might as well run 13.1, right? So this month I met two of my besties in Arizona to run the Phoenix Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon. A great flat course with glorious weather. Sure beat my 20 degree long runs here in blustery St. Louis!

To always be the one who just didn’t “get” a sport, or being the last to be picked (trust me, I didn’t even want to be picked!) it was such a great feeling to only be competing with myself. Ryan has been a huge support for me. He’s my running guru and the best coach ever. The best advice he gave me before the races: 1. Don’t start out too fast. 2. Go into a race with a very specific plan. Well, I followed everything he said to do and I did it! 2:03:44 with a goal of 2:05. Secretly, I wanted to get 1:59:59, but after mile 9 I just wanted the whole d*** thing over! 😉 My only regret? Not smiling a little bigger for that photo when I crossed the finish line!

Challenge yourself – I completely, 100%, believe you can do anything you set your mind too. Nike is right, just do it!

So blessed and proud,


P.S. Shout out to Keith for snapping these photos. Thank you!

Here we are getting ready! It’s all mental, right? Can you spot me in the photo on the right?!

My girl, Tara! She is so incredibly awesome! She breezed through this race with a crazy time of 1:44! Proud!! And of course, cute little Maria with baby Tripp cheering us on! Go team!

We did it! Feeing so proud and good, and ready for a massage!