St. Louis Family Photography


Hope you had a great weekend! Ryan and I did our annual MacGyver-shutter-release-tripod Christmas card photo this past Saturday. 🙂 Nothing like discovering how pretty the light is on a warm afternoon and deciding, hey! what a great day it would be to take a couple photos of ourselves. Thank goodness I have a husband that just goes along with all my shenanigans. 😉 And hopefully, no one spotted us at Forest Park! (That would have been a sight to see!) Have you already noticed a few of the new photos at the top of our blog? 🙂

I’ve got a few more fab sessions and a wonderful zoo wedding for you to see before I take a short break for the Thanksgiving holiday. This little guy is gonna melt your heart! He’s already got a keen sense of style and Mom brought all the perfect combinations to put him in. 🙂 (I love adorable-ness.) Well, he started off cute. And even cuties have meltdowns. (I had to show the last image – cracks me up every time!) I think it’s encouraging for parents to see photos like this! I know it’s not an easy task to get everyone looking good with great outfits, arrive on time to a session and get those sweet little faces to cooperate. I promise you! We can do it!

