The Knot Missouri / Kansas Fall + Winter 2013 Feature

It’s just a weeeee bit exciting to see our work featured in a glossy magazine and I’m even more thrilled to share the pages with you! I’m so happy The Knot reached out and asked to feature some images from our Victorian Botanical shoot! It’s amazing to see all our hard work from the shoot be such an inspiration to others. There are times when Ryan wants to kill me for planning these types of shoots – because I run around like a chicken with my head cut off! 😉 And that is why I specifically try and plan it during the slow wedding season. But one thing that makes me even happier, is knowing I’m not the only one willing to create inspiration shoots like these. I had a great team! I honestly thought I’d have to beg them to be a part. But not only did they accept, they poured their creativity and hearts into it.

Now, go grab the latest issue of The Knot Missouri / Kansas Fall + Winter 2013 issue! The entire magazine is chock-full of inspiration for your upcoming wedding. And look out! I may or may not be planning my next styled shoot. 😉
