Mayur’s Vidhi Celebration | St. Louis Indian Wedding Photography

Are you ready for some color?! Prepare yourself for an amazing Indian celebration! As you probably already know about Indian culture, the ceremonies are very, well, ceremonious – and with so many aspects I thought it would be hard to cover everything in just one blog post. You may have already seen the blog post on Sonya + Mayur’s Atlanta engagement celebration. Well, now we are leading up to the BIG wedding weekend! I will be separating the Vidhi + Mendhi celebration from the actual wedding day, so let’s start with Mayur’s Vidhi first. The photographs are not in any particular order, and I didn’t necessarily feature every moment. I just love how all the images work together. I am goo goo gah gah over the busyness, the color and the emotion!

Rather than trying to explain what’s going on, I’ll let the photos do the talking. 😉 The Cliff Notes version: the family prepares Mayur for the wedding day by cleansing him and “beautifying” him with turmeric – that fun yellow yogurt-like paste. Clearly, his family went all in! He was covered! They also prepare the pole to be staked into the ground. It signifies a healthy life and the first structure of the home. They end the celebration with his sister and aunties making a walk to the home with pots atop their head. The eldest aunt carries the largest pot, and the pots get smaller as the individual gets younger. It’s a fun procession where they sing and dance around. Love!

Meanwhile, Sonya and her family are at her family’s home in St. Louis simultaneously having the same celebration. Be sure to check out the next post to see her and all the beautiful images!



Decor: Mandap World

Invitations: Siddhi Cards